Welcome to my blog
I originally started this during my time at university as part of my dissertation creative project, I have been updating it since, and it is something that I hope to cultivate into a resource for sighted and visually impaired people alike. The aims of these posts are for me to rant, but more importantly, an attempt to bridge across the common misunderstandings and misconceptions between sighted and blind folks. I myself happen to be blind, but you won’t get many inspirational sentiments here as I am not here to inspire, I am here to hopefully educate and bridge the misconception the sighted have about the visually impaired; so next time when you *bump* into a blind person it won’t be too awkward.
So expect a combination of sarcasm, funny anecdotes, and maybe some controversial points of view. My hope is that you’ll get something out of it!
Recent Posts

The Relationship Dynamics of People with Blindness
Admittedly, I have had very little sighted interaction throughout my childhood as I went to a visually impaired school. I socialized

Dear Media, Your Portrayal of Blind People Is Wrong
With the media playing such a large part in our lives, from television to books and now the Internet, nothing says

Interview With Edward Stern, Lead Games Writer from Splash Damage
As a writer, I thought it will be interesting to interview a games designer on how the narrative of each game

I’m a Blind Guy Traveling All by Myself, Please HELP
I’m a constant traveller and a ten-year patron of Transport For London, and I see things on my travels that I

Should My Blind Child Go to a Blind School?
If you have read my previous entries, you will know that I went to a specialist school for the blind from
Accessible Advertising: Why are Digital Adverts Not Inclusive and What are the Ramifications?
In the last few decades there has been major moves to make society more inclusive. This has applied in terms of